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SpokenTruth said:
irstupid said:

Wans' thtere more documents and papers showing Kavanaugh's court history than every other SC person in history combined. Like in the hundreds of thousands?

Who's idea was that? Was is the democrats that there needed to be so many? 

Funny if so, cause I hear them complain about two things in that regards.

1. There are too many pages/papers/cases to go through. (Ha, Repubs should tell them what they were told when AIA was voted on. You can read it after you vote yes)

2. We dont' know enough about Kav to vote (So you have too much info to read it all, so your ignorant? Ignorant by having to much research to do? That's it?)

There were specific papers they wanted that Republicans denied them.  They never did give a reason why the denial.

"Let's pass it so we can see what's in it" is an absolute legislative low point.  I cannot believe there is not a mandate that all representatives fully read a bill before voting on it.  Can't read it all, don't vote.  Not enough time to have a majority read it, delay the vote.  It makes me nervous just how often that happens.  How many laws do we have in place that went unread by those who voted on it?

I'm sure a shit ton of laws have been passed that weren't read by a many congressman. THere are also just as many passed that have stipulations or mutliple things in. I HATE that. You know the whole, we want this law passed, but the dems or reps won't vote yes unless they also add this to the law. Wish that was illegal. Each law/bill/ect shoudl be voted on it solely.

But only one I can think of that flat out was like "you can read it when it's passed" was AIA. Any others were just lack of care, imo, on congressmen. The dems just wanted to make sure the AIA got passed before they lost the numbers to pass it.

Funny thing in the numbers game. During that same time, the Dems made it easier to pass things. Instead of needing X number of votes, they brought it down to where it is now. Needless to say, that is backfiring on them now. THe rushed it, before the midterms, cause historically dem voters don't show up for them. (hence why I don't see a huge blue wave this Nov)

They were so damn cocky during Obama's term. Dont' think they imagined they were ever going to lose the presidency/seats ever again. They were super entrenched in their New York/LA bubble where everyone they talked to all thought the same as them. Skewed their thoughts of the nation as a whole, and the media being the same, didn't help either. They got totally blindsided by the election.