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It's bewildering how mad people can get about SJWs and their "thought-policing," even when it isn't happening.

They're literally the thing they espouse to hate, and it's frankly hilarious: how does one get mad about people forcing something nonexistent upon them? What credibility do people have who attack something for not doing the thing they are accusing it of doing? No one is forcing or even attempting to force anything on anyone, and the obsession with victimhood helps no one.

If you're mad about Solo's "pansexual agenda," go watch the movie and prove yourself wrong. When you're done, maybe you'll be willing to listen to the long-time SW/superhero movie fans who are just fatigued by endless blockbusters. There have been three in a row, two of which are Disney's, and that's both time-consuming and expensive (Tickets cost ~$25 in NYC). Hollywood can get only so much blood from these stones.