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walsufnir said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

Sony has more brand appeal in the world than Microsoft by default. They built up a high level name. Blu Ray is what theyve been invested in and now Microsoft is following. Third parties sell the most, but there are dry months to the year and Sony and Nintendo were wise to relocate theier games to correspond with those months opposed to the old fourth quarter when exclusives could survive. In Sonys case its worked. Microsoft hasnt had much to offer and without third party help they honestly dont have much in the tank for the rest of the gen. Sony covers the bases that they need to so that when they make deals outside of themselves they have all of their bases covered. Microsoft can make a great console with great online...but thats it. How they get their games does not show off how great they are as a developer. They acquired Halo and they acquired Gears. These are their two pillar franchises and both devs have nothing to do with them anymore. Think about it.

Many things come into play. Downplaying MS to a good console and online is true only nowadays. Remember the Halo 3 days? Sony only had GT back then, missing a mascot for many, many years. Halo was what actually sold consoles but yes, it's MS' fault they don't have a juggernaut this gen like Halo or Gears - well, they still have them but people moved on to different games, mainly 3rd party games. I even think Nintendo and Sony will be the last two pillars (at least I hope) to stand against the pay2win, pay2earn, service-type of games because it destroys how I grew up as a kid with a Master System - buy once, play forever. Games designed to be "finished", with a certain appeal. Not only to sell the game and making the most money of what people would like to spend money for.

But we will see if both keep the service crap out of their games.

Either way, I quit so I also won't participate anymore in this thread. But many people are just looking at many things way too simple, in my opinion.

Microsoft did the opposite of Nintendo. They created a culture built around third party whereas Nintendo built a culture around exclusives. Phil Spencer even admitted to this about Sony and Nintendo. Exclusives sell better on their platforms. What Sony and Nintendo need to learn from Microsoft is how to sell accessories. Microsoft excels at hardware, online and accessories. Ive never seen a company make so much profit for nine months strictly off of pushing controllers. Just goes to show that the market is hungrier for choices (regardless of how distracting they are). Microsoft learned a lot from apple. You create a lifestyle produt and people will treat it as such.

Sony is not even giving Microsoft an inch with services like GWG. 

Sorry to hear that you dont want to continue. I will end here then.