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Gaming Discussion - I quit - View Post

For anyone interested, here is my moderation history:


Mod History for walsufnir

01/22/17 21:34 CGI-Quality Ban Other ((Spamming and Trolling) This post needlessly takes things off topic and seems to be accompanied by an agenda. It's also spam to point out that the site is partial to PlayStation just due to the name. You have the capability of a good conversation, as I've seen, so when you return, let that be the method you choose when having discussions.) Banned 5 days 8262129
12/14/16 00:14 Carl2291 Ban Trolling (There's really no need for this one, despite what people may have said in the thread itself. If you see problems with how people are posting then you have many options infront of you; Reporting, ignoring, sending them PM's and actually replying to them in-thread without being antagonistic yourself. Due to VGC's bans being removed at a specific time, I'm giving you 3 days for this instead of 1 (Just like everyone else getting banned here). Any bans following this using the progression system should also be kept at 3 days.) Banned 3 days 8196773
10/14/16 15:21 CGI-Quality Warning Trolling (Between this: ( and (, you've stepped over the line. You can disagree with posters in there and not stoop to this sort of level. ) 8099442
05/29/15 13:40 starcraft Ban Flaming (Didnt actually hit ban last time...) Banned 1 days
05/29/15 12:54 starcraft Ban Flaming (Banned for a mixture of comments in this thread - this was the worst. I can see you have made a tangible effort to avoid crossing lines - but you should have bailed out before attacking the OP so much (you can report OPs like that and we can see about editing them)) Banned 1 days 7313904
04/10/15 15:51 Leadified Ban Flaming (It seems the intention of your post was to just to bait and mock ethomaz in a thread he does not participate in. This has already caused needless drama in the thread and it breaks Rule 13. "Disparaging, insulting, or baiting comments about users who are not participating in the thread.") Banned 5 days 7210757
01/06/15 14:56 Mr Khan Ban Flaming (This post was totally unneeded.) Banned 5 days 6969392
10/01/14 02:11 Mr Khan Ban Flaming (STAGE wasn't even in the thread, so i fail to see the point here.) Banned 3 days 6713326
09/24/14 16:11 Mr Khan Ban Flaming (You held out four months, so i'll hold the length constant. This is, however, the epitome of a flaming post.) Banned 1 days 6699534
09/01/14 17:00 Conegamer Warning Other (Don't make such comments on the wall of a banned user (tbone in this case). It's still against the rules after all, but on this occasion and only this occasion, a warning will suffice.)
05/14/14 15:02 Mr Khan Ban Flaming (Flaming Sony fans.) Banned 1 days 6306181
04/18/14 16:05 starcraft Warning Flaming (Come on, you know these sorts of comments are not acceptable, especially in a thread like that! I am *pretty* sure you were just kidding, so I decided no ban was necessary...) 6237044
04/03/14 13:18 Mummelmann Warning Other (Don't get drawn into this spiral, it doesn't serve any purpose and I know you know better. These "you always do this" posts are in no way improving upon the topic.) 6202178
12/20/13 21:34 yo_john117 Warning Other (Posts like these are really quite bad for thread discussion and really only ensure that the thread gets de-railed. Instead of saying you're going to report someone, skip the post and simply report them.) 5909178
08/01/13 11:22 Kantor Ban Flaming (That's a roundabout way of flaming, but it's still flaming.) Banned 1 days 5556922
07/24/13 04:56 yo_john117 Warning Sig Length (Please shorten your sig so it's less than 270 pixels tall.)
07/23/13 19:16 TruckOSaurus Warning Flaming (Derailing the thread by bringing up a user who isn't even participating in the discussion. Comment on the topic at hand or don't post at all.) 5534135
06/05/13 14:05 amp316 Warning Flaming (Please do not call other members simple-minded. It's extremely insulting.) 5400065
05/22/13 22:34 axumblade Warning Other (Your quote trees are entirely too long. I shortened them. Please try to keep them under 4 quotes or less.) 5365615
04/06/13 16:25 axumblade Warning Spamming (Please try to leave more than 1 word answers. There is no real openness to debate/discuss when you just type "no." and it's also considered spamming. ) 5262846
04/05/13 21:00 sega4life Warning Sig Length (Sig edited - Size - 9mbs is over the 1mb limit) 5260443