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barneystinson69 said:
monocle_layton said:

Guess you don't care much about dignity or class then.


The man has been accused of raping his ex, commonly talks about how he'd want to date his daughter, spent months ranting about how Obama wasn't born here, continued to play golf at a higher rate than Obama (who he criticized), made sexual remarks which can potentially be considered assault, continued the support for Saudi Arabia and its UK/US led bombing, and will act like a bitch whenever he's criticized


Obama never whined whenever people LYNCHED obama dummies. Heck, even during REASONABLE events he always kept his cool. America's government and its leaders will and will always be a joke if people think this is allowable. As much as people disliked Bush, he was still respectable. Obama continued the tradition, and now Trump feels like he should be spending his time on Twitter instead of actually doing shit.


I'd say Trump should be doing something useful, but we all know he'll just continue to 'win' by having his immigration ban be repealed for the 8th time.

We gotta deal with this idiot because people want to stick it to liberals or some dumb shit like that.


I won't lie. My country of origin (Palestine) has a very flawed leader too, but seeing the United States elect someone like Trump makes me sick. Had the DNC not gone against Bernie, he probably would've won

Right. Well I'm sure you know Justin Trudeau, who acts like a suck-up and all. But hey, at least acts like a pushover and opens it to the cocks of other world leaders. You know why I don't give a shit about a few tweets? Because for years, we've had leaders in my country who don't give a shit about it. Bringing in 3 million people a decade in a country with less people than California, selling out to "globalism", and neglected the hollow shell of a middle class that struggles more each and every fucking day. Maybe you think that people don't vote for your choice are "stupid", but I would far prefer Trump than anything we have here. Whatever he was accused of, whatever he says, at least he cares about his country! He could be a shitty leader, and he will be gone in 4 years. Us? Well, we have 3 parties that all want the same thing, but in slightly different flavours! 


So no, I do not care if he goes after a media who is no longer reliable and fair. His presidency has been discredited since day one for the sake of ratings, so he does have the right to anger. And lets not compare this with Obama. When the birther movement started, the media rightfully came to the defence of Obama over something that was clearly stupid. But with Trump being a Republican... well, you gotta appeal to your viewers.  What happened to the Tom Brokaw's and Tim Russert's of the media? Hint: Fair journalism is dying.




I think the issue is that both Justin and Trump act like jackasses and have done nothing for their country.

Also,Trump cares about his country? Really? He's the man who has continued the arms trade with Saudi Arabia, was pushing for the Israeli embassy to move to Jerusalem (and ironically supports their illegal settlements), supported the pipeline and abandoned the Native American people, made Betsy Devos lead our struggling education system, gave massive tax breaks to the rich, has prevented thousands of jobs from being made in the renewable energy industry, has not committed to his goal of pulling out of the middle east, increased the military budget by $500 billion, and decreased the budget of NASA, the environmental department, and others.


What the fuck do you mean he's for the people? Do you truly understand how dangerous he is? Even without the Russia narrative, he's a terrible president and a vile human.

fatslob-:O said:
monocle_layton said:

So would you be fine with Obama being an ass to the media? After all, Fox news and other conservative news stations got on Obama 24/7 for everything. Whether if it'd be golf or him somehow being an unchristian father (not like Trump married a fucking porn model), he was treated terribly. 


You know what's the difference between Trump and Obama? Obama didn't act like a whiny five year old brat. He's the goddamn president and needs to get his act together

You don't really want to compare the opposition Obama faced with the opposition that Trump has face because what the latter has experienced is straight up nearly unprecendented ... (CNN has done more crapping against Trump ever since he announced his candidacy to this day than the entire eight years of Fox News pulling garbage on Obama.) 

Playing the nice guy is for total suckers in the political world since competition is extremely hardline when there are tons of predators looking to be at the top of the food chain. I'd rather someone assertive as Trump just as he is less likely to compromise than an absolute sore loser like Michael Dukakis since you can't afford to show softness to your opponents like CNN in Trumps case ... 

To put this in a metaphor, Trump is like Abraham Lincoln while CNN is like confederate america ... 

Just what exactly do you think CNN deserves from Trump after all that trouble they put him through ? 

Both are awful, but I honestly think CNN deserves nothing. People don't need Trump's stupidity to realize that they can improve.


I won't lie- I really enjoy CNN Money and Fox Business, but I can't stand their news department. True journalism is dead nowadays. Trump has indirectly damaged so much. Journalism mentions him 24/7, the internet constantly mentions him in a terrible attempt to be funny, he's constantly dragged into conversations for no reason, and overall it's just pathetic. I suppose he enjoys the fame, but always seeing that name everywhere I go drives me nuts. 


Unlike Justin Beiber or the Kardashians, I can't run away from Trump. Forget my opinion on him politically, I just wish he wasn't given the 24/7 spotlight. People feel the need to report EVERYTHING. CNN even had an article about him enjoying two scoops of ice cream...I mean, come on...