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I'm not sure whether it was the rise of fps, the death of the Arcades or a combination of the above that caused this genre to die, but dammit I need my fix. 


I grew up playing Time Crisis, Virtue Cop, House of the Dead and during the PS2 era I had a bunch of light gun games on my ps2. Hell, even on the PS3 I went out and bought the Time Crisis collection, House of the Deads and The Shoot. 


Here we are in this so called "gaming renaissance" and these games are no where to be found. I want to play Point Blank and compete with friends. I want to play House of the Dead with its cheesy one liners. I want to feel like a badass 80's action hero in Time Crisis. I want to play the weird Ninja Assault game and more. 


It feels like peripheral required games have all but died and won't be making a return anytime soon.