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KingCherry said:

No, No No! You're wrong on everything, the typical hear-say, I want to look fair codswallop!

1, Nobody's giving politicians a free pass, they're to blame for allowing so many unskilled, useless Third World migrants into Britain. England, top benefit claimants by country of Birth: Somali, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Indian, Nigerian... Do you see the problem there? That swathe of migrants are a burden and bring absolutely nothing to the country. We even have to import more foreign medical staff to treat the influx of foreigners.

Third World migrants do get pushed to the front of the que. Have you not heard about foreigners arriving and getting free treatment on the NHS before UK Nationals on a waiting list? Criteria to meet, like they care?

2, The situation I'm most likely describing isn't a refugee system, it's the total shambles that is 'Means Tested' benefits. As for your warped logic regarding the migrant family I described, you're making no sense!

Economic migrants do not pay in more taxes than they take out in benefits, where do you get this from? They pay a paltry sum of tax, which on average doesn't even cover their offspring's schooling, their NHS care, social benefits, housing benefits & most importantly, for many, Working Tax Credits. The biggest flaw in your arguement is the long term pay-back. These migrants in future will be entitled to Standard State Pension, housing, Elderly care, NHS elderly medication & treatment, etc... This alone will break the nation, they are a complete and utter burden! Please, wake up!

As for politicians... Yesterday, the UK Labour Party appointed a hugely unintelligent, black racist woman, 'Diane Abbott', as Shadow Home Secretary. We are indeed living in dangerous times!

Do you have a link to all your claims? Or actual data and reports? Sounds like you've made up a bunch of nonsense without fact checking any of it. The scary things is this fits perfectly with a lot of the Tory rhetoric of recent years without you even realising it. This is what I mean by our politicians getting a free pass... you don't even realise you've given them one!

Immigration is simply symptom and reducing it does nothing to address the root causes of our issues. It's like taking parcetamol for a brain tumour. 

On benefits:

Page 5:

  • 7.2% of claimants were non-UK nationals
  • Non-UK nationals at the point of NINo registration are less likely to be receiving key DWP out-of-work benefits than UK-born.
So immigrants only make up 7.2% of benefits claimants, and of that 7.2%, the top countries are those you listed. 7.2% migrant vs 92.8% native.
On the NHS:
No idea where you're getting that from (I'm going to guess the Daily Express or the Daily Mail). I have numerous friends who work in the NHS in a range of positions from Doctor's to Radiographers. What you just said is plain false.
And migrants aren't the ones who drain the NHS resources as most are relatively young, of working age and have little need for the NHS. I don't know if you noticed but the population is aging and living longer. More people (the vast majority being natives of the UK) living long past the retirement age developing a whole host of health problems that needs hospitals and social care, whilst our birth rate and working age population alone isn't anywhere near enough to maintain a sustainable health service. That's why we have so many immigrants working in the NHS.
Do we need to train more staff? Yes, of course we do, but that doesn't mean we don't need immigrant workers or that heavily reducing the migrant population is going to solve the issues (in fact it'll make it worse as we won't have enough staff and training people to a satisfactory standard takes a considerable amount of time). Again it comes back to lack of investment, not immigration. 
On the amount of tax paid by migrants:
'For immigrants that arrived since 2000, contributions have been positive throughout, and particularly so for immigrants from EEA countries. Notable is the strong positive contribution made by immigrants from countries that joined the EU in 2004.'
EU migrants have had a net positive contribution. Non-EEA migrants have made a negative contribution but at similar levels to the native population and positive since 2000, especially as many of these are students who pay huge amounts in tuition fees and often go on to setup businesses (51% of startups last year were from the immigrants who had studied here meaning more jobs and tax revenue). You're also ignoring the fact that many of these migrants eventually go back, and if they choose to stay and have contributed like everyone else then surely they've earnt the right to retire here like any of the natives?
Stop believing the bull spread about by papers and people with agendas and just look at the actual data and reports. 
And yes, Labour are shit, the Tories are shit, UKIP are shit, the Lib Dems are non-existent and the SNP are hypocrites. Just to top it all off, rumour has it Tony Blair might be making a comeback.