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Stop being sore losers and repeatedly interrupting Trump's rallies. If you want to support Bernie or Hillary Clinton, then go out and do your part and vote for them. The consistent theme that I see on the Democratic side is not taking responsibility for their own actions.

Did the guy get lost and think this was a Bernie Sanders rally? Did he think that Trump supporters would be kind to him and give him flowers? Perhaps his next stunt would be to jump into a cage full of lions and then blame the lion for ripping off one of his limbs. In other words, I consistently see Democrats overlook the source of the real problem.

What we are all seeing in these videos is very simple:
It is basically a bunch of Bernie Sanders supporters (protesters) who are pissed off when they found out their Democratic Party isn't actually a democracy, which is ultimately causing their candidate of choice to lose badly. Perhaps your anger should be pointed at the Democratic Party (the source) instead of Donald Trump.