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I see people always saying each console has it's pros and cons. Well, as for me, I don't see where the cons are in the Xbox One. 

There is always room for improvement ofcourse. You can always make a better product. The Xbox One is already a great console that will continue to get better as the years go by.



CPU: 8 Cores capable of handling complex physics and artificial intelligence in parallel.

Currently with directx 11 only one CPU core can talk to the GPU. With directx 12 multiple cores will be able to talk to the GPU.

GPU: 1.32 teraflops every second, the Xbox One GPU is capable of cinema quality visuals.

Memory: 8 Gigabytes of DDR3 RAM + 32MB of SRAM embedded on the GPU, this custom design was developed to future-proof the Xbox One to take advantage of Microsoft's own developed tile-based rendering technology.



The Xbox One was built with the future in mind.

Directx 12 will allow for developers to take full advantage of Xbox One capabilities that was previously impossible by using directx 11.

Many games are being delayed as developers see their games performing far better with directx 12.

Whatever genre of game you enjoy from simple puzzle games, to simulators, action and roleplaying games, you can find it on the Xbox One. 

Currently Microsoft is working with the top developers all over the world to deliver their vision to the Xbox One, some of which will only be available on the Xbox One, on day one.



Xbox live defined and continues to redefine online entertainment on consoles. As the years go by this service will only get better as Microsoft is listening and implementing new features with each update to this really cool service.


So, as I said before, I don't see the cons.

If I am missing something let me know.