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omg the internet and the drama, but i kinda understand. This digital event was a pos, yuck, just like the wii music conference (not that bad) but if you're a fan I don't think that a bad e3 presentation is going to change that. So stop saying omg I'm jumping ship because... why? yeah their show was bad but this year they have more content than last year.


Devil's Third, YoshiWW, Fatal Frame, Mario Maker, Mario Tennis, Star Fox and Xenoblade. Yeah it's not much compared to the third party games on xbox and ps4, specially on xbox because they won e3 for me and I don't even have one.(more content for 2015) but we know that since 2013. Last year Smash+bayonetta 2+Sonic Boom, 2013 3D World+WWHD, this year YoshiWW+Fatal Frame+Star Fox+Xenoblade+Mario maker, see? not that bad. btw I care about Devil's Third but the game has a stigma so whatever.

And... you don't have to jump any ship, you can ride every ship, even the ouya ship! 

just my opinion I'm not trying to defend Nintendo and their dissatisfactory E3, But the wii u has content for 2015 and i see some dudes spreading lies.