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I agree with most of your opinions :).

I was opposite with the controls.

The controls for combat I thought were good and resulted (IMO) the best zelda combat (which imo says more about what I think of zelda combat than the controls being stellar), it was a bit gimmicky, but I thought it was fun.

Some of other items like that beetle, flying, I didn't like the motion controls for.

I agreed with the story, I thought it was extremely charming. Problem is, it sort of just comes to a halt at a certain point when the repetitive stuff starts happening.

Which is why I agree with repetition though. I think the game would have been better had they cut out all the fluff. It felt like they were just padding the game. But if they would have cut out like 1/3rd of the repetetive content.

I give the first like 15-20 hours a 9.5 or so, and the rest of it like a 7, and the overall game like an 8.5.