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ps4tw said:

Looking at the sales figures, the Dreamcast, a console widely seen as a failure and the downfall of Sega, sold better than the Wii U to date. As Nintendo has the cash assest to survive a failed console, where will they go from here? It seems that they do not want to adapt to the demands of the modern gamer, and their core user base is smaller than ever. This being said, will this force Nintendo's hand out of the console business just as the Dreamcast did to Sega? How can Nintendo repair the publicity damage the Wii U has done to them in the eyes of gamers? 

The dream cast was the downfall of saga because each unit didn't sell at a profit. Therefore apples and oranges. But yeah, just another forum about Doooooooooooōøõòôöóm. This is getting so old. I'm starting to wonder if people are paid to write about the same topic over and over. 

I've already called out the Moderators attention on this matter, flame-bait threads that achieve nothing except having Jerry Springer Show quality topics, all I got was a ban!

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