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Wow... I'm not sure whether I'm more dissapointed in Kwaad for his stupidity, or you other guys for not pointing it out yet. 1) Being a "terrorist" is a choice. Just like being a rapist or a murderer. You can be a terrorist in Ireland just as easily as Iraq, just as easily as Oklahoma, just as easily as in Buenos Aires. Hell, in Buenos Aires, the terrorists were the *government.* Nothing racist about it. Nothing vague about it, either. You commit an act of terror, you are a terrorist. just like if you commit an act of rape, you are a rapist. 2) Combining Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which were the largest portion of civilian (key word: CIVILIAN) deaths on the Asian front, you get roughly 250,000. I would be *extremely* surprized if US-caused civilian deaths in Asia exceeded 1 million. 3) At the very basic minimum, using the most conservative estimates available, Germany had a starting point of 10 million civillians killed, *before* you take into account collateral damage that was incurred when they, y'know, invaded most of Europe. That, by the way, tacks on another 10 million from the Russian front alone. Ten million CIVILIANS. Russia lost a total of 20 million people in WWII. Now, I'm not saying you can't have your opinions. I disagree with them. I consider them personally offensive, but I'm not going to tell you that you can't have them. Just make sure that your facts are in fact true before you say them and not, say, gross imbellishments and outright lies. See, 'cause what you've said in this thread is mostly the latter.