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I'm sure there are many aspiring writers out there that have been pipped by another or Hollywood. While they have the budget, these writers do not and so it takes long to put together their story.

Many works of fiction are closely tied though, the concepts shown in the film have been done in other forms before. I mean look at the idea set about in Watchmen, considered the greatest comic ever, which was that an outside threat would unite the people of earth. The Outer Limit episode '' had the same concept if not a different way of telling it and ending. Yet even that concept was done before (see the wiki page).

The concept of a human society that thinks itself above other humans as they live in luxury while other suffer is nothing new, the close ties you have between the two stories are just the concept that this human society exists in a space station above earth. Elysium was the rich and powerful, your setup is those who consider themselves more intelligent than the masses.

How the actual story draws out is what matters, concepts do not.

Else seriously, comics have ripped off every story ever writen 15 times over.

Hmm, pie.