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Aerys said:
EricFabian said:
Aerys said:

except your comparison is silly, WiiU is nothing near from Wii.

In sales term, Wii U = GC.

and PS4 = PS3 ( and will obviously have the same life with all multiplatform then exclusives)

PS3 is ahead of GC.


So yes, you need to be enough old to understand these things, when you lived 3 generations, it becomes obvious. ( you can also look at the past in the books )


except is just what you think. I'm a gamer since SNES days and the only thing we know is: PS4 will be number WW. In Japan? Probably not. 

It's not what i think, it's sales and common sense.
Wii U sells less than GC.

PS4 sells lke PS3 and as soon as it gets multiplatform, it wll be exactly the same, thinking otherwise is just delusionnal.

At this point of time, i think your "thinking otherwise is just delusional" comment is premature. Im not saying anything like WiiU>PS4 in japan or anything (cuz imo i think 2016/2017 it should surpass it), but your already claiming WiiU will be less than the GCN because of how its trending right? Then why not the PS4 to PS3 as well?

Isnt it maybe too early to tell on WiiU as well? (not saying it'll guarantee to sell very well, but maybe surpass the GCN, or get close)

PS4 has just started but looking at overall weekly sales it doesn't look too well overall. Vita might not have the big AAA games there but it has amazing support and yet its not selling Gangbusters and its not close to the 3DS which barely had anything these past 5 months (and there big games are coming this summer+fall).

PS4 will no doubt have the ps3 third party support but imo i think some people are overestimating ps4. PS3 will be 10mil when its discontinued (about 9.5mil as of now), PS4 doesn't look to be as big, Yes PS4 willl dominate WW, but i think last gen is something that wont ever (at least in the near future) be repeating again. 

I'll say PS4 depending how it pans out in japan can do Minimum 4mil + Maximum 8mil