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Wii Fit U works fine for stretching and some warm up exercises, and if you increase the reps and add some weights it will get you in good shape too. Plus you can watch tv while using the game pad to keep track.

Watch out for that video game addiction though, lately I've been trying to set records on the Wii fit meter. Most so far in a day 62k steps, or with my height approximately 40 km, that hurt. I've got almost all the walking challenges cleared (~1400km total). It's pretty neat how it displays your activity minute by minute.

The climbing challenges will take a lot longer. Mount Everest 8km up, that's a lot of stairs! It uses barometric pressure to calculate height changes, so weather changes will show up as elevation changes. Still it's pretty accurate when you go for a hike, you can count the hills you went over.

It's in the main stream media, maybe the sales will pick up next week.