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Anfebious said:
Mummelmann said:
Anfebious said:
Well if the 3DS is really struggling to get to DS levels and is really being beaten by smartphones that only means this is the end of Nintendo. If Nintendo loses their handheld stronghold then they are fucked. Could this be Nintendo's last generation? Are we facing their slow demise?

I'm not dooming Nintendo, what I'm implying is that Nintendo needs to break tradition and re-invent themselves. They have massive talent and resources and their brand name is among the most recognized on the globe but they need to start putting it to good use!

They will be fine but they need to work for it, like everyone else in this day and age. That's what I meant when I said "a problem, throw Mario at it", this isn't a viable solution in the long run and in a market as vast and diverse as today.

We're not seeing the end of Nintendo, that is highly unlikely, but what is even less likely is Nintendo with their Wii U ensuring anybody else's demise in the 8th generation. As for the time perspective and "speed of the turnaround"; things need to happen yesterday, this will be a short generation when all is said and done so time is of the essence.

No one will kill Nintendo but Nintendo won't kill anyone either, that's mainly what I'm trying to illustrate.

I'm not saying you are dooming it. But Nintendo re-inventing themselves looks kinda hard xD. They seem to be a stubborn company, I just hope they can accept change and adapt accordingly.

True about the Mario part. His games are really cool but damn, we are getting to much Mario lately. I think a 1 year break from Mario would be a good idea and 2014 only has Mario Kart so it's a good start,

Oh yeah I agree with Nintendo not killing anything. They won't kill the PS4 and the Xbox One, there is absolutely no chance that what johnlucas said is going to become true. In fact it could be the opposite, they could be killing Nintendo this gen, not entirely but slowly. 

When you talk about a shorter generation, how much time do you think it will last? 4 years max? That would be good, the 7th gen dragged for too long -.-

Sort of a difficult question, it's unlikely that all three (or more) will launch simultaneously. But I think that all will be on the market by the end of of 2019, one or more probably 2018 or even before. I think there's a fairly big chance we could see a new Nintendo around 2016.

A lot of people say that since new consoles cost so much in R&D and games are taking longer to develop on average, this will ensure a longer generation. This is not so, the huge amount of non-gaming features and integration of the 8th gen consoles will force them to revision and develop new platforms quicker to keep up with the rest of the consumer electronics market, the PS3 and 360 were somewhat easier to "future-proof" since they came in at the start of the HD-era, a period that everyone knew was going to draw on since it was a major transitional period in developer and integration history (there was also the format war to be decided) and digital distribution was a lot smaller as well. Smartphones and tablets weren't a factor either when these consoles released, and they will be the primus motor for the accelerated pace of hardware cycles and revisions in the coming years.

Bottom line for me; I see no reason to think that the 8th gen will last as long as the 7th gen, let alone longer.