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Ok, here are some explanations:All benchmarks were done using Unixbench

kDhry: Dhrystone-benchmark
mainly integer- and string-performance. NO floats.

Whet: Whetstones
mainly integer- and string-operations:

"This test measures the number of execl calls that can be performed per second. Execl is part of the exec family of functions that replaces the current process image with a new process image. It and many other similar commands are front ends for the function execve()."

kcopy: file copy
"This measures the rate at which data can be transferred from one file to another, using various buffer sizes. The file read, write and copy tests capture the number of characters that can be written, read and copied in a specified time (default is 10 seconds)."

kPipe: pipe throughput
"A pipe is the simplest form of communication between processes. Pipe throughtput is the number of times (per second) a process can write 512 bytes to a pipe and read them back. The pipe throughput test has no real counterpart in real-world programming."

So overall these benchmarks show how good a cpu will perform in everyday use - obviously there are no tests that especially consider gaming (meaning floating-point operations). Still interesting read.