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"With all four versions of Ubisoft's trilogy-closer out in the wild, the Wii U certainly stands its ground against the PS3 and 360 releases. Besides a broken depth of field effect that crops up during several cut-scenes, the look of the game is nigh on identical in terms of native resolution, texture quality, its shadow rendering method, and environmental detail. Even down to the shimmering of the ambient occlusion effect beneath fields of grass, and the odd dialogue glitches that appear in the other console versions, Nintendo's hardware certainly delivers a very faithful take on the experience.

That is, at least on a visual level. The use of the GamePad as a dedicated map screen doesn't strike us as a masterstroke in game design, but it's a useful addition that lets players goggle over a wider cross-section of the world without resorting to the select button. There are plenty of avenues that could be explored here, including the idea of creating virtual hot-keys for the most-used abilities and weapons - something hinted at in passing with a single button assigned for summoning a steed.

As an optional extra, the ability to remote play a blockbuster console release purely on a handheld does give the Wii U version a slight edge over the competition. It's only unfortunate that the frame-rate doesn't quite hold as steady compared to the 360 rendition, being more in the ballpark of the PS3 when chasing down the city streets, and marginally lower during some cut-scenes. This makes it the weakest of the trio in the crucial performance stakes, though they all have issues in achieving a sustained 30FPS where it's needed.

Ubisoft seems to be in an uncompromising mindset with its two juggernaut releases this year, having also had Far Cry 3 push these platforms to unflattering levels of performance in order to squeeze out the best visuals possible. If you can't stomach playing games at circa 25FPS, then the PC version really is the recommended way to play Assassin's Creed 3, not least to enjoy of the bevy of huge graphical upgrades it also comes packaged with. But, if you're happy to take those frame-rate knocks on the chin, and simply want a new Wii U game to play while someone occupies the HDTV, then this is undoubtedly one for the short list."

Seems frame rate drops somewhat in busy areas (as expected), but it seems Ubi did quite a good job (unlike some other publishers).