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Q1 - 18b Yen lost

Q2 - 10b Yen lost

H1 (Apr-Sept) - 28b Yen lost (down from 70.3b Yen lost last H1)

H1 Revenue - 201b Yen, down from 215.7b Yen in H1 of the prior fiscal year (Apr - Sept 2011).

Half Year had been projected to reach 230b Yen / 20b Yen lost

Full year projection - Before: 20b Yen profit...but now: 6b Yen Profit.

Full Year projection - Before: 820b Yen revenue...but now: 810b Yen revenue


Wii U Forecast: 5.5m HW and 24m Games (that probably isn't too crazy - NSMB Wii U and Nintendoland will attach to almost all systems)

Wii Forecast: 5m and 50.5m games (again, not too crazy, they are half way there before the holiday quarter)

Wii + Wii U had been forecast at 10.5m / 70m before, so the forecast is unchanged (as Nintendoland likely wasn't decided as a partial bundle previously)

3DS Forecast - 17.5m for hw, 70m for sw, down from 18.5m for hw and 73m for sw. Nintendo blames the US & Europe for being weaker than expected.

DS Forecast - Still 2.5m for hw and 37m for sw for the year, as before.


HW Quarterly Shipments:

3DS - 3.19m (19m to 22.19m)

Wii - 0.62m (96.56m to 97.18m)

DS - 0.45m (152.05m to 152.50m)


SW Quartetly Shipments:

Wii - 15.27m  (842.20m lifetime)

3DS - 11.64m   (64.45m lifetime  - including downloadable full games, but not 3DS Ware)

DS - 8.82m (917.61m lietime)

People are difficult to govern because they have too much knowledge.

When there are more laws, there are more criminals.

- Lao Tzu