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happydolphin said:
Linkzmax said:
... This is what got us killed in the pokemon round. prof asked you simple questions and you avoided them.

And he avoided mine, as I've proven before. If he had just played fair, this would have been resolved.

He is also lying, because he said that he didn't think I meant shadowspawn, yet he went on to explain that I had a name and he didn't because he is something I'm not, while we all know that shadowling isn't a species in this game.

So, he was playing bait and switch, and trying to mislead town, and should be held accountable by town. Now is not the time to take his side.

You miss the point completely. I'm asking you a question because there is sensitive information. I asked you a question first, you don't just get to flip it and say "why do you want to know". I am not YOUR bitch. Get it?

Explain the bait and switch, right now, utterly and completely, and I will prove you wrong so fast it'll make your head spin.