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happydolphin said:
Smeags said:
happydolphin said:

Thou art a lord of sorts it would seem. Not that I asketh a claim of thee, but thine air of superiority compelleth me.

(Okay, I won't be able to keep up this olde english :P)

Finally, a wretched one who speaks as one. The rest of you lot speak like the scum we aim to terminate from this world.

I am Rolaze, but I will say no more for now... only that the cursed light is my enemy, and all who betray the darkness will be eliminated.

Greetings Rolaze, I am Selyan, a dweller of the shadows. As you can see, I roam this land of darkenss, but in times before I lived the land of humans. Today I am not sure it is an appellation I can attribute to myself, for I am of a different nature, one it seems nearly impossible to reconsile with my former self. Alas, I bask in the darkness forevermore.

We shall meet again my dear Rolaze. Farewell and travel safely.

Did you make up this name of yours?