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pezus said:

And the reason is? I know what I would say but what would you say is the reason for the decline compared to the others?

If I were to give a reason, people would tell me that I'm jumping the gun and that I should wait for more numbers, but curves are more often than not dictated by the very first performances. Granted there are exceptions.

To actually answer.


First, Series fatigue. take a look at my post to kenology. That one should be straightforward enough.


Second, userbase and momentum.

Here are some dates and figures (Japan-specific):

Gen 7:

DS: December 2nd 2004

DS Lite: March 2nd 2006

NSMB: May 25 2006

Time: 15 months from launch to DSlite, 18 months to NSMB. 2 Christmasses.

Big DS games by NSMB release: Brain Age (2.4m), Brain Age 2 (2.4m), Animal Crossing WW (2.9m), English training (1m), MKart (1.4m), Big Brain Academy (1.3m), Tamagochi Connection (1m)

You can use this query here



Select GT1m.TitleEnglish, max(SalesLTD)

from (

  Select SW.Week, SW.Tracker, SI.TitleEnglish, SW.SalesWeekly, SW.SalesLTD

  from SoftwareWeekly as SW

  join SoftwareInfo as SI on SW.GameID = SI.GameID

  where SI.Platform = "DS" and SalesLTD > 1000000 and SW.Week <= '2006-05-22'

) as GT1m

group by GT1m.TitleEnglish



(Note, these are only those charting the top 30 on that week. I don't have the other big games up until that point)

Gen 8:


3DS: February 26 2011

3DS LL: July 28 2012

NSMB2: July 28 2012

Time: 17 months from launch to NSMB2 and 3DS LL. 1 Christmas.

Big 3DS games by NSMB2 release: Pokemon B/W 2 (2.4m), DQ Monsters (0.8m), MK7 (1.8m), SM3DL (1.7m), MH3G (1.5m)

(You can use the same query as above, just replace bold with 3DS and 2012-07-28 respectively.)



Make of these variables what you will, but imho NSMB launched at a more favorable time regardless.


Third. The luster of the Touch Generation fades.

The DS had simultaneous success with Nintendogs and Brain Age in that time, so another argument could be a reduction in the charm of the "Touch Generation" phenomenon that the DS had. That was something the DS was flying on for a while back then, now the 3DS flies simply on the fact that it offers a great gaming selection to the Japanese.


Took long to do all this sorry for the delay, what's your take on it?