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Fatal Frame does indeed sound promising, and Monster Hunter is a very big title as well! What I really want to see is a slew of cool games that nail the Wiimote's capacity and make me go "YAY!".
I do think (and to an extent know) that these games are inbound, only there are too few imo.
Many developers (like EA) will make horrid games simply for quick cash, and many titles may be very good in one or two segments.
I want games that A: Look good (think RE4 Wii edition), B: Play well (MP3), and C: Have basis in themes and/or genres that are more appealing to us gamers (again, like those mentioned before).
Nintendo is among (if not the best) the best game developers in the world, but their efforts alone will not stave gamer complaints about the lack of hits outside Mario, Zelda and other major and aging Ninty franchises.
I trust Capcom, Square Enix, Sega and Bandai to turn the 3rd party wave into something positive rather than just a global ATM for lackluster dev's such as EA.
The minute that happens; I'm getting a Wii!

PS: Did you guys know that Mario is featured in more than 200 videogames? It's true.