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happydolphin said:

You're wrong, he never pushed for house claims. You're putting words into his mouth, and the very post you quoted said as much. (See what I bolded).

Instead of taking your time to note typos, mind actually playing the game for a change?

Dear naive friend, please do your homework before you spew the nonsense that comes out of your mouth. What the hell do you mean he never pushed for house claims?!  here  here. It is only after this push that he claims he’s  not forcing  anything, in which I say bull crap! Not forcing housclaims my foot,  he’s sure as hell labeled the hell out people who did and didn't claim. I tell you that much. That's a whole lotta focus for someone who isn't forcing anything. If that doesn’t seem like a push for houseclaims than I don’t what to even think about you consider as a push.

Basically, you are wrong, he did push hard for claims. Please, please do us all a favor and base the stuff that you say on something, anything. Jesus man.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson