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54 posts (half are Rol's)? When i said less than 200 i was expecting more like 500!

Good, now do the same later.

So where is Linkz? He died early last round and he was looking forward to this one.

I thought he would be more active!


Final-Fan said:
It is also possible hat has repurposed the Alarmist role somehow, so that its function doesn't revolve around standard cults. I don't really have any ideas on how that would work, but it's something to keep in mind.  

Thats a possibility of course, we could have mafia 1 or 2 shot mafia recruiter for example.

But cult existence is still a bigger possibility imo.

Baalzamon said:
I don't understand why Radish gets all this attention every game. He does the same thing EVERY game, whether he is mafia or not, yet people continue to abuse him on it game after game after game.

Well....he didnt do anything major yet, but maybe you should read the past game or two to refresh your memory regarding him.

I tried lynching Radish with my all last game, i was mafia and most of the players were confirmed power roles townies

(yep the only 2 players without power roles were town siblings) and Radish was the weak link and my only chance at wining.

Anywho burned out regarding Radish so i'm gonna ignore him until he does something really bizzare (by his standards).

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