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Khan, that's what I was banking on when I first read about the Nintendo Network. But when I read it in the investors' briefing, like Rainbird I thought it'll be bond to the console, not the account. It's a horrible way to deal with the merchandising, and I'll definitely be buying the games retail if it's like that.

It's already tough enough buying the same games many times on the virtual console and Wiiware, but luckily the pain is reduced since it's the eighth of the price. But here I'll probably never download games as it is. They'll probably address that mid-gen, but if they don't people will have to pressure them about it, it's ridiculous.

That's not the way a market leader should operate, they need to listen to their customers more...

@theRepublic. As far as I can tell, Starcraft II can be played on any machine, as long as you're logged into and have the game installed. It's the right way to do it imho, we are sick of giving our money away repeatedly and need more ownership of our purchases.