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kber81 said: What is this? I'm sick to death of all this silly remarks about how bad is Sony and how good is Nintendo. How old are you? 12? You've sold PSP with MGS:PO to play Pokemon and feed a little puppy with Nintendogz? DS outsells the PSP 3:1 worldwide? AFAIK it is 38/20 it isn't even 2:1. When I see you Wiifanboys masturbating over some clips about how bad PS3 is I think it's so damn pathetic... Grow up. DS is for children and girls and there is nothing wrong about it, PSP is for real gamers. Nintendo Wii is for children too and this is a big mistake of Big N. Soon, all this lovely bubble will collapse.
Well, I'm 37. I owned a PSP for a year. I've owned a DS for 6 months. The DS is a better handheld than the PSP. Yes, that's my opinion, but obviously most agree with me considering the sales numbers. And no, I haven't played Pokemon or Nintendogs. I play FFIII, Brain Age, Elite Beat Agents, Hotel Dusk, and Trauma Center. Nothing kiddie about those games and you won't find anything like the on the PSP. But I can play just about all the PSP games on my PS2. If you had ever played the Wii, you would claim it was for children. As far as sales, Sony's numbers are inflated because they are units shipped, not sold to customers as Nintendo's are. Doesn't matter. Any way you count the sales, the DS is beating the crap out of the PSP and the Wii is beating the crap out of the PS3. If that's making a big mistake.....then Sony is wishing they could screw up as bad.