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OPM UK had an interview with Lead Designer Karl Jones talking about the future of Wipeout 2048 and what racers can expect from DLCs and the likes-
In summary, what you see in Wipeout 2048 isn't the end of it, it will grow, expand and develop into a whole different beast and with each growth, you won't always have to pay for it.

Official PlayStation Magazine UK You mentioned in a previous interview that Wipeout’s release was not a one shot approach. Can you explain what that means?

KJ I guess it’s going to be patches and stuff. DLC always comes across as paid for content. We’re not obviously not going to just do paid for stuff, we’re going to do free stuff too. That’s largely going to be things we didn’t get time to do. For example, the AR museum.


PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?