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Fond memories on Okami, Muramasa, Star Soldier R when I hit the 20th mark in my country's leaderboards after replaying the first level for a week, Madworld, hundreds of hours of multiplayer madness on Wii sports... and Monster Hunter 3

2008-2009 was such a blast, I remember when we got MP3, SMG, SSBM, NMH... one great game every month. Now other platform have such great games at a rate of several a month...

Now, it's just unbelievable how the Wii managed to perform so well with all the industry all guns blazing against Nintendo, lazy 3rd party devs, forums, journalists all against it. And even Nintendo himself giving it the coup de grace and abandoning everything on the Wii while they where preparing 3DS launch.

Also, on my personal point of view, I am happy that Ninty shitted so much, and thanks to this site, it opened my eyes on other platform. Now I don't play my Wii anymore, but PC & PS3 !