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Smeags said:
To be honest I'm listening to more and more orchestral music now-a-days... I'm always on the lookout for an excellent movie soundtrack (recently bought 'The King's Speech' and 'The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe' and they're both excellent.) as well as game soundtracks ('Disney's Epic Mickey' soundtrack is superb).

As for bands... I recently discovered Within Temptation and I've become a big fan of their music (Favorite CD of theirs is 'The Silent Force'). I've also been listening to Evanescence's new CD, and I'm also a big fan of Muse's stuff (Their three part Exogenesis Syphony is fantastic on their newest CD).

the city of prague orchestra played 100 movie themes maybe you like it i love it: