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I had gotten this game a day after release(also being the last copy) and until about 3-4 days ago I hadn't touched it and now I can't let it down, this game is amazing(mostly story wise) and I just love the fact of how you can go back in time to redo events. the music is pretty awesome as well(comes with a CD soundtrack)all I have to say is BUY THIS GAME!!!(especailly if you're an RPG fan) about 16 hours in and on chp3 of both main story lines

to give  a little summary about this game:(forgive me as I am bad at summarizing)

you play as a man named Stocke; a man who works for the kingdom of Alistel under an organization by the name of Speceint, the intelligence branch of Alistel's military. Hiess; the leader of the Speceint branch, gives Stocke the mission of securing the information of another informant in a near-by plain. He is grouped up with two people: Marco(a swordsman) and Raynie(a Spearswoman); both of them are the last remaining survivors of their entire mercenary giuld and were saved by Hiess. Hiess gives him a book known as "the white chronicle" before leaving the city he sees a vision of himself along with his team dead  by the hands of the opposing army of the kingdom of Granorg. he then meets his long friend and brother-in-arms Rosch a leader of Alisel military, he tells Stocke that he has a bad feeling about his mission and warns him. Stocke assuring nothing will happens goes off to complete his mission, and  as the vision had foretold his mission goes awry; he teamates are dead, the informamts dead and he is surrounded by the enemy and is severly wounded, he jumps off a bridge, washes along the river and is slowly dying, the book starts to glow and he tranported to an outer demension and greeted my two mysterious characters...telling him that he has the power to revisit past events.