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Hey guys, just woke up to read that awesome death post for SAK xP I won't be here quite as often today, because it's my Dad's birthday, but I'll still attempt to respond to anything exciting that emerges :)

I hate to look like I'm jumping on a bandwagon, but to be honest I was one of the first to address my concerns: I'm fairly sure that of the remaining 7 players, Homer is the Mafia. I'm also pretty sure that there is only 1 Mafia remaining, because of the huge amount of "Town" players in this game (ie. vanilla townies). As long as we make the right choice today, I reckon that we've got the game in the bag :)

At this late point in the game, I reckon that there'll be a lot of suspicion against me for my fairly "scum-like" actions on day 1, but I'll try my best to answer the concerns, as always.

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~