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Wait, are you voting to have Vetteman lynched or to get him to come here? Because if it's the latter then it'll be useless as the day will end soon. 

The problem is, there's a big chance he's just a townie, (and busy) so there's a risk of just ending the life of a townie for the hell of it. If you give reasoning that he will serve as distraction later on then meh, it can be argued if that's even helpful, as we don't know what'll happen later in the game. 

I still want to stick with lynching lurkers at least from day 2, so then we can have a good taste then if someone'll post or not.

By "you" I meant everybody voting for Vetteman. 

 Tag (Courtesy of Fkusumot) "If I'm posting in this thread then it's probally a spam thread."