I think that you are downplaying the PS3's 07 lineup a bit much.
I think it is a bit better than the others. I would say Wii, but common sense says at least 1 big game gets moved to 2008. (SMG or SSBB would be my guess.)
And omgwtfbbq:
Being that Zelda is Action/Adventure, Red Steel was bad, and the Madden and Marvel were multi-platform.
Anyways, this is a bit off topic but I think that there is 3 Wii that are worth buying that being Zelda, Wario Ware, and Super Paper Mario.
And the that there four games worth buying on PS3. Resistance, Virtua Fighter 4, Motorstorm, and Oblivion.
Being that Virtua Fighter is more of a niche game; I suppose you could remove.
Thats makes the PS3 and Wii games current and future line-up very, very bright.