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c0rd's mini-reviews:

Mega Man 9 is probably my favorite. I played the game a ton, and got into the competitive time trial scene early (or had to, since I'm not the greatest and wanted the overall #1 spot just once). Only managed #2, and that's with putting like, probably over 50 hours into it in the first 2 weeks or so, ha... crazy stuff. I hadn't played an arcade type game in a long time, Mega Man 9 was a good reminder of why I loved the series so much as a kid.

FFCC:MLaaK was a fun game, as well. I put quite a bit of hours into it (though not as many as MM9). I'm a fan of the "build your city" type of game, so I got a lot of enjoyment out of this one before its repetitiveness started to bore me. I'm guessing I'll love LKS for similar reasons...

WoG I sort of just bought since I got caught up in the reviews. I managed to beat the first chapter, then I sort of forgot about it. Not sure if I can say anything bad about it though, I do get bored of games from time to time, I'll probably finish it sometime later.

Tetris Party, same deal as WoG. The reviews were great, and I wanted a good multiplayer game. Unfortunately, most of the people I invite over don't seem to show much interest. I suppose I should have held off for a beat-em-up or something... hell, I'm considering Bomberman.

Lost Winds, I got from Secret Santa, lol. I haven't given it much of a chance yet, since I've been playing more PC games recently. I'll probably get to it in a month or two.