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mike_intellivision posted a write-up from PC World that contained the following ...

However, Microsoft also provided a video showing off other uses for Natal including a martial arts fighting game, a Pole Position-style racing game and some kind of Godzilla meets Pokemon rampage fantasy. But in the Natal demo video Microsoft was quick to state that the games shown were a product vision and that actual features and functions may vary.

Exactly! Thank goodness there is a voice for reason and sanity here. I will not be convinced Natal can work as demonstrated until I see an actual product being used by actual people. There are simply too many variables with lighting, distance, and interference due to other people, pets,  and children moving around the home and making noise to make something like this really workable in any complex capacity at this time. I'm just not seeing how Microsoft made a technological leap to a product that'll sell for just a few hundred dollars, while billions of dollars are being spent in game development and Hollywood by companies still using green screens and mo-cap suits. Something doesn't compute here. I don't doubt Natal can work in some capacity, I'm just suspicious that everything will ultimately work as well as teased in the videos.

I'll get a little more excited when I see proof that "product" Natal actually works like "Project" Natal's teaser trailers.