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The West didn't "put the Jews in Palestine". U know very well about the annual Jewish world congress, Herzl and that jewish immigration to The Holy Land started already late in the 19th century.

It was Jews who wanted to move into Palestine. The Brits even restricted jewish immigration for a long period in the 20's and 30's to try to settle down angry Arab nationalists.

And during Nazi Germany and just after it had fallen there was a huge amount of Jews who fled to Palestine, for obvious reasons.

The West didn't ask for this problem, the Brits didn't ask for this problem and even Germany didn't really cause it, they just escalated it (active Zionism had been a reality for more than three decades already before Hitler).

The West just tried to seek a reasonable solution. Yeah, you can oppose the split of Palestine into two nations, but in that period of time many other nations and regions were divided in Europe and millions and millions of people had to move (in Germany, Poland, Yugoslavia, Greece, Finland and so on). But you never hear those countries whine about it.