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the 3rd and 4th problems are def. not FW problems. I had that exact problem with perks when the game first came out. I got tired of naming them so I just leave em blank now and just know what each one is.

None of those problems seem related to the firmware update. I’m guessing its more of a coincidence. Discs not working is usually a problem with the blu-ray diode, this has been the main cause of Ps3’s breaking. Don’t blame the firmware. The COD4 class not keeping its name is a server problem, again has nothing to do with the PS3. This article sounds a little biased

The one about being connected is probablly weak wireless connection. Fairly common problem again. Thats why I don't use wireless. I have to unhook m modem from my computer and bring it to my Ps3 when I want to play online.

The other 2 sound like a HW failure to me. Especially since one stated they did a system restore on the thing.

Im gonna call this fake.