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Forums - NSFW Discussion - Some guys remain single by choice because it is easier!


Men choose to remain single and give up on women?

They do not want to becom... 9 7.69%
They do not want to change! 12 10.26%
They do not need a woman'... 3 2.56%
They do not want to conform to society! 5 4.27%
They have busy life and d... 9 7.69%
They are a man-child and never grew up! 17 14.53%
They are regarded as a lo... 15 12.82%
Modern feminism double st... 19 16.24%
Other! 27 23.08%
They choose sex workers instead! 1 0.85%
Dark_Lord_2008 said:
Cobretti2 said:

That is way to early o date anyway or most people. At that age I was busy with paying sport and doign stupid things to care about forming a longer term relationship.

Honestly you are better looking at something in your early 20s. By then you know the girls who have their head screwed on straight and aim for those. Avoid the dreamers who float wishing for something rather than making it happen

20 years have passed since I accepted at 16 that dating was not for me. I assumed a few rejections = all will be future rejections and no point even bothering. I am the type of guy that quits something after one or two failed attempts. I quit my drivers license after 2 failed attempts and I have never tried for it again. I almost quit college after failing one unit, I got through the course but it was a waste of time and I wish I never bothered with college.   I take rejection/failure really personally. It feels like the end of the world and I am depressed about it for a very long time. Quitting reduces the stress/anxiety and I can move on with my life. I use avoidance to limit social interactions to reduce my stress/anxiety levels.

Well i don't normally quote people (other than Rocky earlier lol) but I may have to here.

'Failure is success in progress' and ' Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm'.

Essential if you do not fail it means you are not trying to leave you comfort zone. It is easy to dwell on failures in a closed of bubble, but pretty much to better that world, you have to actually continue to fail to succeed. It makes you grow stronger and better for it that eventually it becomes second nature. Taking risks is what makes you move forward not thinking about taking them.

I failed 6 out of 8 classes in my first year of UNI. mainly because i  figured it be the same as year 12, however time just went by so quickly so skipping classes wasn't a good idea as catching up was harder. At that point it would have been easy to walk away and say fuck that, but I come back next year refocused and got through it.  because I was behind a year there was always a class I would fail as I was doing extra, so had to decide which one it would be then tack it on to the year after. 

If i gave up after the first year I wouldn't have met my wife as she join later. That determination to move forward created that opportunity to meet her.



They do not need a woman's validation/approval!
They do not want to conform to society!
They have busy life and do not need a partner!

All the above for me

The thread has a subject that is very relevant, but the poll sullies the importance of discussing this issue by being very one-sided in it's choices (aside from Other of course).
There are plenty of other reasons men give up on pursuing women that don't involve men being the victim of society or women.
I think dating apps and social media has had a big (mostly negative) influence on courtship. Before these tools, men met women through (gasp) real life. Now, status and how nice a pic looks or how funny a handle's description is dictates how datable a guy is instead of the content of his character.
Also, I think modern feminism has had some pitfalls. Mostly, it's a good thing (the equality of genders), but like any movement, extremists exist. Feminism is almost as bad a word as social justice warrior (who would think those words describe someone bad, but that's the state we're in). Again, a lot of that is due to social media and the information we get online in 140 characters or less by an extremist minority versus being educated and well informed on the actual movements through other sources. So when we see people spouting feminism as a mask for man hate, we conflate the two even though those two things aren't synonymous.

Some people can achieve happiness from within. It's the failure of this society that having a partner is considered the ideal.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Slade6alpha said:
LittleSnake said:

Firstly, what the fuck?
Secondly, some men choose to remain single and "give up on women" because some men aren't interested in relationships. Yes, that happens. Whoever wrote that article is probably bitter about their failed relationships. 

Stares at self... :jordancry:

hahahah rip 

If you require alcohol to have fun, then you have a problem

vivster said:
Some people can achieve happiness from within. It's the failure of this society that having a partner is considered the ideal.

society would kind of collapse if people didn't pair up... in more ways than one

it just goes to show how ridiculous people that rail against "heteronormativity" are

vivster said:
Some people can achieve happiness from within. It's the failure of this society that having a partner is considered the ideal.

Yes that is true.

However the OP's article is just a lot of excuses rather then just saying either happy on my own or prefer to fuck around.



o_O.Q said:
vivster said:
Some people can achieve happiness from within. It's the failure of this society that having a partner is considered the ideal.

society would kind of collapse if people didn't pair up... in more ways than one

it just goes to show how ridiculous people that rail against "heteronormativity" are

Society has changed and berating people for not wanting to reproduce is not gonna help or change anything. Seeing how the world's population is quite healthy, maybe even too healthy, I don't see the problem.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Cobretti2 said:
vivster said:
Some people can achieve happiness from within. It's the failure of this society that having a partner is considered the ideal.

Yes that is true.

However the OP's article is just a lot of excuses rather then just saying either happy on my own or prefer to fuck around.

It should be clear from his last thread that OP is not looking for a conversation or a solution to a problem. He just wants to vent and blame everyone else for his life to make him feel better. Finding articles that support his warped view of reality is just par for the course.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.
There are so many single mothers who have broken up with men they’ve already had baby’s with. And they expect you to accept the responsibility of being a step-father and raising someone else’s child. As you get older, finding quality women is difficult. Life keeps throwing you bad eggs, women who are in their mid to late twenties and they’re still not ready to settle down and get married. Women who just want to focus on partying and having lots of fun. Women who have little to no professional skills.

At my age, many women already have kids with other guys and that causes problems in relationships. Their children and their baby-daddies are going to require too much attention and your stuck not being their top priority. You’re going to have deal with kids that are not yours and crazy ex boyfriends. In a relationship, as a man, you want to find a woman who doesn’t have baggage in her life and is able to give you the kind of attention and affection that you can give to her.

It gets harder to find quality women who are available and hoping you can get their interest. The older you get, the more drama and baggage you’re going to have to deal with when dating.