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Steam Word Dig

(Action Adventure Platformer)


Steam World Dig is a fantastic little game, that almost flawlessly marries platforming, exploration, resource mining and an RPG-like progression system with a charming World full of wacky characters, storytelling that keeps you invested, a wonderful artstyle and a huge dose of humor.



Steam World Dig 2       

(Action Adventure Platformer, Metroidvania)


Steam World Dig 2 improves on Steam World Dig in every possible way. The World is more tightly designed (mostly due to the developers ditching the randomly generated areas) allowing for true Metroidvania style exploration and a much bigger and more interestig world map.

The environmental design is fantastic, providing the player not only with new challenges with each new area, but also with memorable art design that really helps driving the looming atmosphere of doom, wich lurks in every corner of the game, home.

Character upgrades are fully unique from the last game in the series and feel lighter and more fun this time around.

The Story and characters, while just as lovable as the sequels are more intriguing now. The games story ups the stakes, dealing with slightly more serious issues and allowing itself to dive into darker territory while never loosing sight of the series trademark humor.



That's it for now, since I haven't really finished anything else (Although I'm close on several). I already know that I love Golf Story, Steam World Heist, Blossom Tales and others, but I feel like it's not fair to rate them if I haven't finished them.

My....uh...'reviews' are more like quick cover blurbs, but I don't think I have the patience to write an in-deph review, so I tried to get the essence across.


Edit: I finished Shovel Knight and that gets a 5/5 from me too, but I sort of wanted to finish the whole treasure trove before rating it.