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Final Fantasy VII is an awesome Role Playing Game from SQUARESOFT(SQUAR-ENIX) Released in January 997 in Japan ans September 1997 in the US.Final Fantasy VII International was Released in October 1997 in Japan.

Like Final Fantasy VI before that was based on a STEMPUNK world FINAL FANTASY VII CYBERBERPUNK World

Final Fantasy VII begins with Cloud joining AVALANCHE in a series of raids against the Mako reactors surrounding the city of Midgar. Although the first mission is successful, AVALANCHE is trapped at another reactor during a subsequent raid. The reactor explodes, launching Cloud from the upper levels of Midgar into the slums below. He lands on a flower bed, where he is formally introduced to Aeris. Prompted by the arrival of Shinra's Turks operatives sent to capture Aeris, Cloud agrees to be Aeris' bodyguard and defends her from the Turks After the Shinra discover the location of AVALANCHE's hideout, they destroy it by demolishing the entirety of Sector 7, killing its population and three members of AVALANCHE. The Turks also capture Aeris, who is revealed to be the last surviving Cetra a race closely attuned with the planet and previously thought extinct. President Shinra believes Aeris can lead him to the "Promised Land", a mythical land of fertility, where he expects to find Mako energy.

Final Fantasy VII's skill system is built around the use of materia (which any character can use)—magical orbs that are placed in special slots on weapons and armor, allowing players to customize their party's ability to use magic, summons, and special abilities. However, most magic-based materia also lowers an equipped character's physical attributes. In addition, certain types of materia can be combined in a fixed number of ways to enhance their effects or produce other abilities.[10] Summon spells feature in the game, equippable as materia, with elaborately animated attacks.

A modified form of Final Fantasy VI's "Desperation Attacks" appears in Final Fantasy VII as the "Limit Break". Every playable character has a bar that gradually fills up as they suffer damage in battle. When the bar is completely filled, the character is able to unleash his or her Limit Break.

The Visuals are very good for Squaresoft First 3D Final Fantasy Game the Overworld chracter modles hae aged not that well though but the CG and Battle Screen Visuals were amazing for the time and still look nice today.

The Chracters are ery cool My faorie being Tifa Lockheart, Aeris Gainsborough, Yuffie Kisaragi

The musical Score By Uematsu Nobuo is awesome Aeris's Theme and One Winged Angel being two of my favorites. 

Final Fantasy VII Intro

Final Fantasy VII  Aeris's Theme

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