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ICO is a beautiful Action Adventure Game from 2001 on PS2. I did not play ICO when it first was released in 2001 I first played it when it was re-released along side Shadow of the Colossus.  ICO beustal Tal of a yong boy with horns on his head that leads him to be exiled and taking to a Castile were he meats Yorda who helps to escape the Castile wile show enemy's  take them  and try to tack Yorda.

The visuals are some of the most beautiful I have seen and help to crate a beautiful but sad atmosphere  on PS2 and really stand the test of time

Story is told with minimal dialog with a lot of enforces in using Gameplay itself to tell a lot of the story. 

The music is beautiful and really suits the Games atmosphere and I love the ending theme.

everybody must play rhis Game it is an experience that can not be mist buy any Gamer.


Japanese Pop Culture Otaku