Final-Fan said:
It looks more unbalanced when you FORGET THREE MAFIA. (And the Vigilante.) Here's the list I got from TOS's scoreboard: Townie x 9 Nurse Cop [SUBSTITUTED] Friendly Neighbor Alcoholic Night Watchman Doctor Deputy Bus Driver Vigilante [MODKILLED] Jail Keeper Serial Killer Mafia T Mafia T [MODKILLED] Mafia C Mafia C [SUBSTITUTED] Mafia C [MODKILLED] Mafia C Roleblocker [MODKILLED] Mafia T Cop
And even if the mafia cop wasn't much good to you this game, it's not like there weren't a bunch of townie roles that didn't do any good. [edit: Added detail to list. I thought that instead of forgetting 3 mafia and the vigilante you might have been just subtracting the modkills, but no. So now we see that the town had 1 modkill and 1 substitution and the mafia had 3 modkills and one substitution. Considering that the mafia started out grossly overpowered ... I don't see a problem with the modkillings nor with the choice to substitute for the cop. Hey, the mafia got one sub too.]
[edit2: ... well, you probably have a point about lestatdark. It probably wouldn't have been that hard to find him a substitute; hell, I would have stepped in. But that's not a problem of substituting the cop, it's NOT substituting lestat.]
Er.. I did substracted the modkills, what's the point of adding those? All that they probably did was delay the night, and they were modkilled by day 2, It's practically like if they hadn't played.
There's a difference between a useless role and a role that is useful but for whatever reason doesn't have the opportunity. The point of a mafia cop is to find other mafia factions so the faction with the cop lynch (or kill) the other faction, but guess what, the other family practically got modkilled and we reached a situation in which we didn't want the other mafia to be killed or lynched. Not only that but also we had 1 less mafia because of this role, so if you see in this situation having a mafia cop was worse than not having it.
Yes, I'm aware that the mafia was overpowered at the beginning by that day 2 it was the contrary. The towny had numerical and role advantage. And MM's and dtewi's replacement was way different.
Once again, I don't mind replacements, replacements are pretty common in this game but there are 2 wrong things about that replacement in this game.
1- The cop was replaced while a mafia in practically the same situation was modkilled earier
2- The way the person who replaced the cop was picked. I know that there hadnt been a case like this so I understand, but if a dead person replaces a living one there should be a way to pick it in which every dead person (who contributed to the game of course) has the opportunity to be the one replacing, like I said to zex, if we're gonna pick whoever posts in the thread and says "hey I'm here" we'll be in a unnecessary and annoying situation in which everydead person will post "hey I'm here".
If you look at my posts, that's what I've been saying.. Truck should've either killed dtewi or found lestatdark a replacement, the reason of why I'm saying dtewi should've been modkilled is because lestatdark was already modkilled when dtewi had the problems, and it was impossible to replace lestatdark since his role was already revealed.
TruckOSaurus said: First, Falcon095 I think you've made more posts post-game then in-game. :P
Second, the modkills and replacement were not made with favoring any side in mind. It was all a question of participation and opportunity. When makingmusic dropped out, I had already noticed that trashleg was interested in joining the game.
When dtewi notified me, the initial plan was to modkill him and transfer his role to a regular townie but that would have caused a lot of confusion. Then I saw that dsister had mentionned three times I wouldn't mind joining back, I thought it would help the game move along because it was so damn slow.
Also, I did have a co-mod, nordlead, and I consulted with him about the dtewi replacement. His only concern was that dsister might have talked about the game with other dead players so I made sure he didn't and went along with the replacement. |
I don't have exams anymore
I'm not saying that you did everything on porpuse to screw us, I know you didn't with any favoring in any side in mind. Yes, and that's what everybody mod should've done since the game was just starting. When somebody has problems since the beginning and can't participate, the best is to search a replacement.
What about lestatdark? He and Dtewi was in pretty much the same situation but you decided to modkill him and replace dtewi. As long as it was somebody who would've talked, it wouldn't have matter who replaced dtewi, but I think you should've done at least a between the ones who wanted and could play.
I guess you're saying the last in order to show that you didn't make the decition alone, which is OK. But it's still wrong in this game in particular, and I'm saying it so it won't repeat.
zexen_lowe said:
Well, if you give X townie his role, you just announce the modkilled was townie and don't say anything else, you don't say that you gave it to someone else. When I swapped roles after someone lurking I told the one that received it (I think it was Falcon) in PM and didn't tell the town anything
But there is a difference between your situation and Truck's. In your game nobody knew who the doctor was so you just killed the other and gave the role to me. Truck couldn't do that because every player knew dtewi was the cop, and if Truck had gave the role to other towny and modkilled him, the towny would've had 1 less towny.
Words Of Wisdom said: Can't we all just hug and move on? :/ |
No, This is the internet!