VGChartzville clamber around ScifiBoy with pitchforks and scythes in hand. SHTUNG, off flies an arm. SHWUACK, there goes what was once his functional and attached legs. SHPLAT, and with the last swipe there goes ScifiBoy's manhood. At the orgy of blood and entrails the townspeople dance in a drunken stupor, until someone accidentally drives a fork straight into Zexen's face. He dies instantly, with an expression of sedated joy spread across his face.
In the distance, a silhoutted figure fires a massiveass missle at the group of frolickers. First the ground catches fire, then their clothes, then their skin. In the end nothing remains but a mound of ashen terran. The sceen pans up to above the hidden figure in the distance, where some writing is being scrawled across the sky in blood...
Day 8 ends!