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Forums - Gaming Discussion - whats your intake about snipers/campers


whats your intake about snipers/campers

Do you hate them 32 43.24%
You think it makes the gamplay interesting 22 29.73%
you yourself like like to snipe around 20 27.03%

In my experience the only people who bitch about campers are those who are incapable of killing them. You can get around a map many different ways and if you know a guy is waiting for you behind door number 2, then take the alley around back....

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De85 said:
In my experience the only people who bitch about campers are those who are incapable of killing them. You can get around a map many different ways and if you know a guy is waiting for you behind door number 2, then take the alley around back....

Not all maps are designed well though

Akvod said:
De85 said:
In my experience the only people who bitch about campers are those who are incapable of killing them. You can get around a map many different ways and if you know a guy is waiting for you behind door number 2, then take the alley around back....

Not all maps are designed well though

True, but even poorly designed maps still have multiple routes through them.  If you know a guy is camping around a given corner, don't go around that corner.... If you absolutely must then flashbang/frag him first. 

Bullet100000 said:

To me snipers and campers are totally different. A sniper camps because he is armed with a long

distance powerful rifle which is more affective at longer distances. but a camper is someone who jumps

from corner to corner in a room aiming at the doorway.

In Results: I hate campers

Snipers are ok because that actually requires skill.

I think it takes skill to be a camper too.

I mean you have to sneak your ass pass everybody to get to your opponents spawn point.

Spawncamping should never happen unless your team blows.


As for snipers who stay in the same place... unless your in a REALLY bad map they're easy to kill.

Of course my favorite FPS is TF2... where snipers are a bit different.

As far as campers are concerned, as so many of you pointed out it depends on the game (maps even).

Snipers can be a right pain in the ass sometimes.

There are times I can find both annoying and other times I don't really care and just get on with it - which is more often the case.
Giving it some thought, it depends on my state of mind at any given time whem I am playing.

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Camp with a SMG/Shotgun, and you will be considered the lamest player in the server/match.

Snipers are the ones that actually earn the right to "camp", because using a sniper rifle means the obligatory use of the scope (TF2 is the exception), making him vulnerable.

"I mean you have to sneak your ass pass everybody to get to your opponents spawn point."
I think that would actually be Ninja skills, not exclusive to spawncampers, as they can be used by rushers/Rambo's that want to flank or overwhelm the enemy team.

That's right, just one "d"

In b4 "it's addict"
Add me:

Sniper only gamers frankly just aren't good at up close combat so they just sit back and snipe all day.
At least they recognize their weakness and capitalize on it but I do pity them.

I personally like the jack of all trades method, where you pick the weapon that best suits the game and situation you are in :)

There are only a handful of games that have balanced sniper rifles (TF2 being the best example), not that I'm complaining since I know how to get around them most of the time. However I've noticed that the sniper rifle is usually the casual gamers preference since its easier and more accessible.

Current Favorites:
Wii - Muramasa, MH3, Metroid Trilogy, RS2, Okami, RE4, COD, Dead Space, Scarface
PC - L4D, TF2, BFBC2, Killing Floor, Aquaria, Warsow, many UDK indie games
Mods - MechWarrior:Living Legends, Star Wars: Galatic Warfare, PVKII, Goldeneye Source, L4D mods
PS3 - Demon Souls, Way of the Samurai 3
Social Modding Club: ModDb | Steam

I can appreciate a good sniper that can pwn with headshots. I don't like when people use those lame one shot kill sniper rifles(certain games have them) and kill you by shooting your ankle.

Getting an XBOX One for me is like being in a bad relationship but staying together because we have kids. XBone we have 20000+ achievement points, 2+ years of XBL Gold and 20000+ MS points. I think its best we stay together if only for the MS points.

Nintendo Treehouse is what happens when a publisher is confident and proud of its games and doesn't need to show CGI lies for five minutes.

-Jim Sterling

MrBubbles said:

sniping was practically destroyed in mw2.

Sadly =(

if you've played bc2 you'll know it's hard to camp overall COD sucks in this way

"Rainbird: Why don't Nintendo and Microsoft Copy the Sony Blog?

Bagenome:You can't shoot things on a blog, and babies can't read, so I don't think it would suit either one's target audience."


d21lewis said:
Honestly, do JRPG makers even realize how hard it is to save the world? That shit is impossible!