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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Little King's Story sequel in doubt.

Director/producer working on concepts for sequel, but sales aren't there to justify a new game.

Director and producer for quirky Wii title Little King's Story Yoshiro Kimura has said that the chances of a sequel are slim unless people "stop buying Halo and start buying Little King's Story".

Talking to, Kimura said that despite "working on new concepts for the next Little King's Story", being given the option to develop a second title is going to be "a little difficult" without the sales numbers to justify it.

"I wish that Little King's Story sold more in the States. Everybody writes these really good reviews, but the sales just aren't there? I really want there to be a second title, but it's gonna be a little difficult unless more gamers decide to buy the first one."

Kimura also agreed with the interviewer that it was likely the game's title and box art that "killed it" in the US.

Kimura also pleaded with gamers to buy Little King's Story if they wish to continue seeing games made "that people all over the world can enjoy".

"I want to continue to make games that people all over the world can enjoy. If there's anything that fans can do (to help), it's to go to Amazon and buy (Little King's Story) so that I can continue to make them. I need for people to stop buying Halo and start buying Little King's Story? I just made a lot of enemies, didn't I?"

Probably, Kimura-san.

Little King's Story launched early last year to huge critical success but bombed at retail, according to reports. As of November 2009, the game had reportedly only sold 130,000 units worldwide.


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I thought the first was way overrated in the reviews. This is one more example of developers going for accessibility over gameplay and suffering because of it.

The boxart and title were definitely sales killers.

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Member of the Pikmin Fan Club

Didn't they just say they were somewhat satisfied with LKS sales? There better be a damn sequel, would be a terrible waste of a potential good game if there isn't.

Why is always so much double talking when it comes to sells of Wii games? I swear there was just a thread saying LKS and Muramasa are selling there not selling fine??

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It doesn't even use the Wii remote's IR pointing functionality. I'm sorry, but the game is overrated and doesn't deserve to sell as well as they wanted.

Innervate said:
It doesn't even use the Wii remote's IR pointing functionality. I'm sorry, but the game is overrated and doesn't deserve to sell as well as they wanted.

I think the game is decent, but it definitely did suffer too much hype from some circles.  Individuals here were trumpeting it as something real awesome people had to buy.  Well, I did buy it, and thought it was decent, but no way and end all or be all, and a major reason to own a Wii.

I made the thread about lks and muramasa doing well, but that was an employee of rising starm the europena publisher. Hence why they want more sales in the states, that is where the game is doing poorly

 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia


I did my job, but the copy didn't even arrive yet.

Take a look at my photos on flickr

130 k and they're happi about sales.... guess they must like losing money