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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS3 3D, just Glasses... work on any TV >200Hz

Some people says NVidia glasses are really good and get like 4 hours using without being hurt... other say after 20min are "done"... all on internet reviews :)

PSN: franco-br
MGS4, GH, MW2, GT5p, WipeoutHD, etc..etc..

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I brought myself a toshiba 37" full hd that does 100hz for £499 back in November which at the time was cheap for a 100hz tv. It makes games like WipoutHd look amazing and don't regret buying it but missing out on 3d just because the tv isn't 200hz seems unfair. Would it not be possible for 3D if the images were split 50hz each? I don't want to have to buy a new tv for a good 5 years at least.

@ kowenicki )

and have to lay off more workers making more people poor - you are such a nice guy

kowenicki said:
Lafiel said:
@ kowenicki )

and have to lay off more workers making more people poor - you are such a nice guy

Dont be ridiculous.  Of course I dont want that, bit I am sick of new standards, standards/format wars and the creation of a need that doesnt exist in reality

Unlike you I am rfesponsible already for other in that I employ people.... I am a responsible and generous employer and I am responsible for providing for their families livelihoods as well as my own. I take that very seriously. 



Then why do your pray for them to fail badly? If dont like it then just dont buy it its not like your forced to buy one right away like its a necesity, I for one isn't really all that exited for this 3D stuff but maybe I'll see how much better experince it is compared to what we have now but of course I will "jump in" when it goes down to a reasonal price If I liked it.

200 Hz? Nvidia's 3D system works at 120 Hz. Does Sony really require 200 Hz, and why?


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

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Sorry I dont get all this "120hz" or 200hz TV's what are the differences and how do I know what sort my T.V is......


kowenicki said:
Lafiel said:
@ kowenicki )

and have to lay off more workers making more people poor - you are such a nice guy

Dont be ridiculous.  Of course I dont want that, bit I am sick of new standards, standards/format wars and the creation of a need that doesnt exist in reality


ohh, you wanted them to "lose even more money" - things like that come with consequences, you know


a need that doesn't exist in reality? like video games/internet? I'm quite happy for some creations


200Hz Europe and whatever is 50Hz (Electicity).
240Hz America and whatever is 60Hz (Electicity).

I dunno if nVidia patent on 120Hz is blocking Sony from using lower refresh rates... or they are pushing to higher frames due better quality..

PSN: franco-br
MGS4, GH, MW2, GT5p, WipeoutHD, etc..etc..

what the fuck is this shit? the 3D can work with 120hz! Nvidia 3D technology works with it, and if you think about it the 3D it's just 2 different images being rendered at the same time at 60hz, so 60hz x 2 = 120hz.

I'm Back! - Proud owner of the best doomed handheld of all time!

kowenicki said:
iWarMachine said:
what the fuck is this shit? the 3D can work with 120hz! Nvidia 3D technology works with it, and if you think about it the 3D it's just 2 different images being rendered at the same time at 60hz, so 60hz x 2 = 120hz.

call me a cynic... but...

quite a few people have 120hz tv's, not so may have 200hz, so now we all need to go out and buy a new one.... how convenient.

This isn´t the point. The point is: SONY wants the BEST 3D Stereoscopic and decided to do with higher freq... just this..

PSN: franco-br
MGS4, GH, MW2, GT5p, WipeoutHD, etc..etc..