Ok, I just saw Avatar today (3D version, and loved it completely). After thinking about it later, it finally hit me - and it was so obvious... its obvious.
The common conception was that the "Wii" would be followed by the "Wii HD". Nintendo stated it wouldn't happen - there is no obvious gameplay benefit to have HD over non-HD after all.
But at the same time - Nintendo would love an 'excuse' to put out an updated Wii sometime in the next year or two (think DS --> DSi). Any upgrade from here onwards, would be a soft upgrade - the Wii has been successful enough for them to keep riding on.
Yet at the same time - the Wii 'tech' is starting to look dated. Big games are now skipping the Wii - most of the obvious Wii ideas have been done. Nintendo will need something new soon, to refresh things...
Enter "3D".
A "Wii 3D" would be the perfect tonic - maybe for a Xmas '2011-12 release. And here is why:
- the same way that motion controls defined gameplay changes for this generation, 3D would define the next set of gameplay changes. I can immediately think of ways to incorporate 3D into different gameplay models (think of a Super Paper Mario game).
- 3D is coming anyway - and Nintendo would not want to miss out. Of all the consoles, the Wii is the only one that may really struggle with it technically
- a Wii 3D would be completely backwards compatible (drop GC support though), but add support for enhanced 3D games. Like the DSi, it would be faster, have more RAM, more memory, etc.
- "Wii 3D" launch titles: Nintendo could easily be working on a host of 3D launch titles for the system (Retro?). This is the biggest barrier to any new release from Nintendo these days. The new Zelda could easily be a launch title (while also working for the current Wii). And may be why we haven't seen a lot of new 'future' stuff from them.
- easy marketing campaign, and selling point. It also means they don't look like jerks for not including HD with the Wii initially.
- consoles can make 3D run on existing TVs (do not need a new TV AFAIK... ) - as long as people have the glasses.
- its an easy excuse to refresh a lot of their IPs already out. Imagine a Vision Training game on the Wii for 3D, or an updated Mario Kart 3D.
Anyway, just some thoughts. I could be completely off the mark - but I do think a "Wii 3D" makes a lot more sense than a "Wii HD" refresh...
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