on paper its great but if it really is a success then Sony MS and Nintendo would take over this market within months they could offer the same service plus they already have a name and franchises so Onlive could be a beginning but I swear that if it really works the big three would share the market they have games like Gran Turismo Mario Zelda Halo onlive has absolutely no chance against them nobody stops them from joining the cloud computing market.
I still have problems to believe that it could work the Internet is not so reliable I dont think we have everywhere a proper infrastructure to realize this.
Cloud computing is the future but not yet. You sit at your couch and press A button the information goes to the server the server process it and then the information goes back. And a blink lasts 300-400ms but this is to slow. You could be shot and you wouldnt even know it. A third of a second is 10-20 frames. In this time a lot of things can happen. One player games ok but Multiplayer FPS matches ??
Aslong as no real users with standard connection confirmed that it works I will be sceptical and even then it could fail because most people wouldnt pay this much 200 a year for gaming the attach ratio is just 6 games per console ofcourse here the people have more but that means that somewhere else the people have less games. I dont think it will be 100% reliable even if it works and this is a fact most people just wont accept.
Its 10 years to early for that.
I dont think a project of this magnitude can be lifted by such a small company nowadays. It requires billions of investment and huge add campagnes. And the selection of games they offer is just to small this will aim mainly to PC gamers but they pirate their games anyway. Ofcourse a couple of million will try it and pay for it but not the masses just the early adopters and to convince the masses it needs more then just this. And onlive on phones will not happen yet. the latencys are a lot higher then with cable. I dont even think that it would work properly with WIFI and with 3g or HSDPA ? No way.
Its a brillant idea but the success will be harvested by other companys or maybe Onlive will build up a decent network and someone will buy them probably MS. Sony will replicate the technology and Nintendo too.